
A Complete Guide To the Australian Minimum Wage for Employers in 2021

Over the last few years, there has been an increasing number of cases related to wage underpayments in Australia. Several businesses were highlighted with regards to wage underpayment and were asked to pay penalties. Consequently, Fair Work Australia committed to putting their efforts into removing such practices.

In this article, you will understand what is the average hourly wage in Australia.

In: Payroll

8 Reasons to Outsource your Payroll

Operating a modern-day business is becoming more and more complicated. The tax-man wants more visibility on who, what, where and when your business pays your employees and contractors, resulting in a myriad of complications in relation to your payroll process. However, by considering payroll outsourcing, businesses can focus on their core competencies and let the experts handle these new complexities and compliance issues.

Let's first understand the following...

In: Payroll

New Employee Form: Record New Employee Details Easily (PDF Template)

One of the most important items in your new employee checklist should be process of recording your new employees information. This article will provide you with a guide that contains all the details relating to new employee information forms.

In: Payroll

How to Streamline Your Business with an Workforce Management System?

Have 101 tasks to do every day? If you’re running a small-to-medium-sized business, chances are you have limited in-house staff to help support payroll, rostering, staff management, and make sure you stay Fair Work and ATO compliant.

In: Payroll

Single Touch Payroll: Changes From 1 July 2021



Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has confirmed that from 1 July 2021, all small employers will have to register for Single Touch Payroll (STP). This published fact sheet contains all the necessary details and information related to single touch payroll for employees.

In: Payroll

Which Payroll Software Is Best For Aussie Small Businesses?

If you’re in the market for payroll software, you might be wondering which one to choose. With so many options available, it can be challenging to figure out which one suits your business’s needs. ClockOn understands that every company has unique payroll needs, which is why we’re committed to providing a tailored service and package to each of our clients. 

In: Payroll

Free Payslip Generator: Download Payslip Template

A payslip is a summary of a payment made to an employee. As an employer you're required by law to provide your employees with a payslip each time a payment is made.

A payslip can be provided to an employee in paper or electronic form and has required information such as employee name, employer name, ABN, gross and net amount of payment to name just a few.

In: Payroll